Business process improvement services

          About us

        Sigmassist is dedicated to the process and performance improvement of businesses whether they are large or small, industrial or commercial.

        All organisations, without exception, have processes that can be improved and people that can be developed to serve customers, shareholders

        and employees better each day.

        Every organisation has that opportunity but not every organisation seeks help to realise it.

        The Sigmassist advantage...

        At Sigmassist, we believe that there is enormous value to be realised through the practical application of Six Sigma, Lean and

        Operational Excellence tools when combined with senior level business experience.

        As a Sigmassist client, you'll have access to, and benefit from:

        • Senior level insight gleaned from successfully leading global, cross functional organisations and supply chains
        • A full suite of Six Sigma, Lean and Operational Excellence tools, applied effectively
        • A practical, flexible, results driven approach to executing what you need...we can do it with you or do it for you
        • A mind-set that problems should be permanently fixed and processes continuously improved

        Constantly putting out fires is not a sustainable business model.

Copyright Sigmassist Limited 2015